Explorations in Santa CruzArmadillo Associates Home

Trips for children in the Bay Area

Trip Report: Kayaking with whales in Santa Cruz

seas of glass Our first kayaking trip out of Santa Cruz was so much fun that we decided to do it again.
We scheduled our second kayaking excursion for spring, when the mother whales and their calves swim north up the coast near Santa Cruz.

We paddled, close to the water, smooth as glass. Then, suddenly, we'd hear that deep intake of breath and then the little splashing sound as the whale surfaced. We got glimpses (but no good photographs) of many whales, most single adolescent males, our guide, Isaiah, thought.

Velella velellas We'd twist our bodies toward where we thought the sound was coming from, and then try to turn our kayaks. But kayaks don't turn on dimes, so we weren't always fast enough.

We did get to see many other creatures well, though. Santa Cruz is rich with sea otters, pelicans, crabs, and, our favorites of this trip anyway, Velella velellas, otherwise known as By-the-Wind-Sailors.

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